Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Monday, January 4, 2010

Its PLKN Time, Sis...

The time has come, my dear lil sis...pack ur bag n prepare yourself to be apart from ibu, ayah and learn to be a strong person in 3 months. She's never being apart from anyone before and this is gonna be her 1st journey alone for quit a long time, for her. But she is so damn lucky since the camp site (Kem PLKN Princess Haliza) was located near to our house which only required a 1 hour journey to be there rather than being sent to other camp site which was a bit harder to be and as usual, i bet that ibu and ayah is gonna be there every weekend.why not?she's one of the most beloved and youngest daughter ever in the family.hailaaa...

Her journey started early morning yesterday @ the Shah Alam Stadium where all the participant need to register themselves before they are sent to their camp site based on their offer letter and yes,they are not allowed any parents to sent their children to the camp site by themselves except for if they have a good reason to do so. As usual, there will be something wrong when it involves with my lil sis where after waiting in a long queue, so suddenly, ayah realizes that she was queuing at the wrong line where the line that she was in heading to a different camp site...ow God!Sometimes i do realize, Allah did create human being with a balance personality where you cant be too smart without having a foolishness in yourselves and that's was my lil sis...she's smart and graceful but sometimes, her gracefulness make her looks like someone's stupid!sorry deq,but you are...i bet kakak will say the same thing too...

Done queuing, next station she need to be in her group that heading to Princess Haliza Camp and differ to other group, her group have the most few amount of people registered...not sure why, maybe because they are 2nd trip on that day...it tooks up to an hour before she started to hop on the bus and as usual again, her gracefulness make us feel afraid to let her go...aiyak!adeq, please la....but by hook or by crook just assume that she's going to a normal summer camp and she's gonna be ok for the next 3 months...

Papai, lil sis and take care. Dont worry, ibu and ayah gonna come over during weekend.. :p supposedly...but the most surprising thing happens when so suddenly, i got a phone called from my sis saying that ibu and ayah was heading to the camp site after a few hours my lil sis departure from Shah Alam Stadium this morning...teng teng teng...thing that im afraid was happening but it happens the other way around...aduiyai whatever la...as long as they are happy... :)

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