Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Nadia's Birthday

Happy Birthday, Nadia. This girl is one and only grandchild in my mother in law family...still waiting for "new fren" to born..eheheh ^_^ she stayed at Padang, Indonesia and she's totally communicating using Minang Language and first time talking to her, we are like chicken and duck...came from same group of family but different language....ehehehe but thousands thank you to her becoz of her ability, im able to understand and talk a bit in Minang Language....she came to Malaysia with her mother and stayed for about 1 month due to my mother in law request an extra help from her during my father in law went for hajj.

Back to Nadia'a birthday, we only notice her birthday was on the same month as i am when she singing a birthday song for herself in minang style. when my mother in law ask her mother on who does the song for, then only we realize its meant for her...oh god! its really touching me heart when i heard it myself. one day, nadia ask my mother in law, is it possible to have a birthday party just like what she saw in television, where everyone wearing a birthday hat, have birthday cake, present, people singing birthday song and wear a beautiful dress....of coz!its will be a great party for you later.

when the day came, nadia ready with her beatiful dress and wear a sweet flower on her hair, then she started to ask a question to me, "when are going to go to the birthday party?"...im a bit shocked when she ask me those question. then i ask her back "went to birthday party?" and she replied "yeah..im all set and when are we going to go?"...on my god! when i ask her in more detailed, then only i realize that what she mean in the first place when she sing the birthday song, she wanna go to someone's birthday party which have everything that she mention and she could wear a beautiful dress....hahahaha everyone who being inform about it, laughing.....ooo god!lucky that there are gonna be another birthday party for Innarah's sister next week, so everything was cover up...ooo boy!

Whatever it is, the party went very well....everyone got to taste the "barbie" cake and Nadia received a lot of present today and she happy about it... ^_^

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