Yesterday was be the day where my father-in-law will be departuring to Makkah for Hajj...nothing much that need to be done because we already have a lot of people assisting the whole day...around 1.30 after zohor, we are suppose to went to the car wash to wash papa's ranger but so suddenly we decided to got to KTS (one of famous shop that sell handphone in Kalng) to take a look at a phone that we wish to buy. The targetted phone was the Sony Ericson G900 (for my hubby) and W705 (for me). when we reach there, n feel a bit shock and frustrated because the G900 doesnt look nice as it was shown in the internet while the W705 still havent release yet n dint know when it will be release. I dint really feel frustrated with my choice cause I already being inform about it and just wanna try my luck....
after finish looking at all models that available in the shop, the shop assistant, jason propose to buy a Nokia phone because most of the handphone in any model where using Nokia firmware and license now. Im not too sure about the statement but that what he told us...when we are looking around at the Nokia phone corner, we bumped into Nokia E Series and there's only 2 model of E Series were sell in that shop which was the E71 and E66. E71 looks more like blackberry and i dint really like on the design cause of the width and each button on the keypad representing each alphabet n quit hard to typing a message. after about 1 hour we were there, my hubby decided to take a look more detail on the E66 model and Jason show us both color of E66, which is drak grey and white....its quit interesting when I first hold the handphone and I did mentioned to my hubby before that I wish to buy iPod with white color and the E66 white do looks a bit similar with iPod that I wish to buy and so suddenly
hubby :why dont u took the white color n I took the dark grey
me:erk?dont u want me to wait for the W705?and u did say that u dont wanna have the same model like me so that we can exchange later
hubby:dint mind of that.btw, i think the W705 may make u feel frustrated like what I feel to G900 and u do wish to buy iPod, rite?y dont u just buy a new handphone so u can have more function rather than just listen to a music?
me:r u sure about this?we are suppose to buy ur handphone first because thats the priority
hubby:doesnt really matter because its nice and the price was good together with the extra package that they offer...dont u want to have it? **with bling bling eyes *_*
me:dint mind with me because its still under my wish last, we have the same model as I wish...ehehehhee
and this is our new handphone...eheheheh ^_^
once done paying for both item, we need to left it for new software installation and we decided to wash papa's ranger while waiting for the installation to complete and after finished washing the ranger, it still too early to fetch the phone and again we have to decide to went back home and did something else..this is to avoid from anyone notice our MIA...ehehehe....when the time came, we are very lucky cause mama ask us to fetch aunty Ip from home and sent hajar to nite stall at Pandamaran...
after maghrib, some neighbour came to our house as usual to help us out in cooking...mama wish to have a "kuih koci" to bring along when we waiting for papa to check-in and anything that we plan wont be 100% as what we plan...all the indredients for the kuih koci was ready and tek minda was the responsible person for baking it with minang style. once complete, everyone was ready to help on packing the ingredients into the banana leafs...when the first round complete, tek minda proceed to stim it and the funniest thing happen when tek minda was trying on 1 of cooked "kuih koci", its really looks like the "kuih koci" was hard and everyone was afraid because mama will started to get mad if she knew about it because mama did inform tek minda too put in more water to avoid from the "kuih koci" to be hard but tek minda refuse and confirming that it wont be hard and the ingredients was just the midst of trying to find out what would be the problem of the "kuih koci", cik mek decide to check on the packet of the original flour that being used by tek minda..and....teng teng teng "ini bukenyo tepung pulut..ini tepung beghas, astaghfirullahala'zim" (in kelantan dilect) and then everyone was laughing and feel very release because mama wont scold because its not their fault but its the person who buy the flour fault, which was a lil boy...ehehehe...
while everyone was busy doing their stuff, my hubby was sleeping because he got a headache and at 10pm, I decided to join my hubby and take a short nap. we woke up at 11.30 and get prepared to go to Tabung Haji ,Kelana Jaya..after having a short Doa and Azan by Epul, we went to KJ at around hubby n I, dirve a different car due to a lot of people wish to come along...when we reach KJ, im a bit lost to the place that we are suppose to go and lucky that papa Innarah with us and he's taking the lead....alhamdulillah I manage to get a free parking while the others have to pay for the parking...and the situation there was not as crowded as the time when we sent pak ngah last year..its a bit calm n less people were there..maybe because of the time and number of jemaah that's going on that time is lesser...
we were there until 3.30 am and we are waiting for papa to enter the tabung haji hall till we cant see him...I feel very happy for him cause he got the chance to go for Hajj while he was still strong..I can see a lot of elder couple that looks very old and some have to move with a wheelchair going for Hajj...I pray for his healthy and hope that he can get what ever he wish to do there and get home safely....amin
my day end at 5am and I really feels like I will collapse if I was required to extend the time....huhuuuuu T_T